
Journeys Lesson 27

-Vocabulary p.42-43

-Read again the story "What can you do?" P.47

-Grammar p.70-71

Study for the Spelling Exam Lesson 27

Spelling Homework

Lesson 27 

Spelling Homework

Lesson 27
Write a sentence with each word

Spelling Exam Lesson 26 

Spelling Homework Lesson 26

Study for the Spelling Exam Lesson 26

Spelling Homework Lesson 26

Write a sentence with each word

Spelling Homework Lesson 25

Write a diferent sentence with each word 

Journeys Lesson 26

*Study Vocabulary p.10-11

*Read the story "The Dot" p.15

*Grammar p.38-39 Exclamations

Spelling Homework Lesson 25

Write a diferent sentence with each word

Spelling Homework Lesson 25

Write a diferent sentence with each word